Water skiing means different things to different people. For some it represents family. For some competition. For others it's how they keep fit. And others still their social network. And if you're lucky your job! For me it's a bit of all of those things.
Anyone who has ever waterskied can remember their first time. The pull of the boat. The water. The sensation when you first got up. Who was there. The uncle's boat. The friend's boat. The family boat. It's something unique that never really leaves you, regardless of age.
I started skiing aged five. My Nana had her last ski around the age of 80. It never leaves you.
I started Tribe of Ski because of my love of waterskiing and wanting to represent it in a unique way. Its not about being a big brand or the latest thing. It's about bringing skiers together and representing our sport in a fresh way for both the current and next generation of water skiers.
We are for all skiers everywhere regardless of age and experience or where and how you like to do it.
Welcome to the tribe.